Golden® Heavy Body Acrylic, 2 oz

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Golden These 100% acrylic, smooth, thick colors are offered in a large assortment of unique pure pigments. There are no fillers, extenders, opacifiers, toners or dyes added. They render excellent permanency and lightfastness. Each color is formulated differently depending on the nature of the pigment. Colors that tolerate higher pigment loads dry to a more opaque, matte finish. Colors that are more reactive and do not accept high pigment loading dry to a glossy finish and tend to be more transparent.
Color *
GD2 Anthraquinone Blue
GD2 Benzimidazolone Yellow Light
GD2 Burnt Sienna
GD2 Burnt Umber
GD2 Burnt Umber Light
GD2 Cerulean Blue Chromium
GD2 Cerulean Blue Deep
GD2 Chromium Oxide Green
GD2 Cadmium Orange
GD2 Cadmium Red Dark
GD2 Cadmium Red Light
GD2 Cadmium Red Medium
GD2 Cadmium Yellow Dark
GD2 Cadmium Yellow Light
GD2 Cadmium Yellow Primrose
GD2 Cobalt Blue
GD2 Cobalt Green
GD2 Cobalt Turquoise
GD2 Cobalt Teal
GD2 Diarylide Yellow
GD2 Dioxazine Purple
GD2 Green Gold
GD2 Benzimidazolons Yellow Medium
GD2 Hansa Yellow Opaque
GD2 Mars Yellow
GD2 Naphthol Red Light
GD2 Naphthol Red Medium
GD2 Nickel Azo Yellow
G2D Permanent Green Light
G2D Permanent Maroon
GD2 Permanent Violet Dark
GD2 Pthalo Blue Green Shade
GD2 Pthalo Blue Red Shade
GD2 Pthalo Green Blue Shade
GD2 Pthalo Green Yellow Shade
GD2 Pyrrole Orange
GD2 Pyrrole Red
GD2 Pyrrole Red Dark
GD2 Pyrrole Red Light
GD2 Quinacridone Crimson / DC
GD2 Quinacridone Magenta
GD2 Quinacridone Red
GD2 Quinacridone Violet
GD2 Raw Sienna
GD2 Raw Umber
GD2 Red Oxide
GD2 Teal
GD2 Titan Buff
GD2 Hookers Green Hue
GD2 Transparent Red Iron Oxide
GD2 Transparent Yellow Iron Oxide
GD2 Turquoise ( Pthalo )
GD2 Ultramarine Blue
GD2 Ultramarine Violet
GD2 Vat Orange
GD2 Violet Oxide
GD2 Yellow Ochre
GD2 Yellow Oxide
GD2 Alizarin Crimson Hue
GD2 Indian Yellow Hue
GD2 Manganese Blue Hue
GD2 Naples Yellow Hue
GD2 Prussian Blue Hue
GD2 Sap Green Hue
GD2 Van Dyke Brown Hue
GD2 Cobalt Violet Hue
GD2 Viridian Green Hue
GD2 Primary Cyan
GD2 Primary Magenta
GD2 Primary Yellow
GD2 Cadmium Red Medium Hue
GD2 Cadmium Yellow Medium Hue
GD2 Cobalt Blue Hue
GD2 Light Magenta
GD2 Light Ultramarine Blue
GD2 Light Violet
GD2 Medium Magenta
GD2 Light Bismuth Yellow
GD2 Titan Mars Pale
GD2 Light Pthalo Blue
GD2 Light Pthalo Green
GD2 Carbon Black
GD2 Bone Black
GD2 Mars Black
GD2 Paynes Gray
GD2 Titanium White
GD2 Zinc White
GD2 Light Green (Blue Shade)
GD2 Light Green (Yellow Shade)
GD2 Light Turquoise (Phthalo)
GD2 Medium Violet
GD2 Titan Violet Pale
GD2 Light Orange
GD2 Titanate Yellow
GD2 Titan Green Pale
GD2 Chromiym Oxide Green Dard
GD2 Jenkins Green
CD2 Cadmium Yellow Medium
GD2 Benzimidazolone Burnt Orange
GD2 Azo Gold
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These 100% acrylic, smooth, thick colors are offered in a large assortment of unique pure pigments. There are no fillers, extenders, opacifiers, toners or dyes added. They render excellent permanency and lightfastness. Each color is formulated differently depending on the nature of the pigment. Colors that tolerate higher pigment loads dry to a more opaque, matte finish. Colors that are more reactive and do not accept high pigment loading dry to a glossy finish and tend to be more transparent.