Winsor & Newton Cotman Watercolour, 8 ml tube

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This watercolour is for beginners and accomplished artists alike. Expand your palette, layer colours over one another and explore the versatile medium of watercolour! Excellent tinting strength Vibrant colour Economical
Color *
WNC Alizarin Crimson Hue
WNC Burnt Sienna
WNC Burnt Umber
WNC Cadmium Orange Hue
WNC Cadmium Red Hue
WNC Cadmium Red Deep Hue
WNC Cadmium Red Pale Hue
WNC Cadmium Yellow Hue
WNC Cadmium Yellow Pale Hue
WNC Cerulean Blue Hue
WNC Chinese White
WNC Cobalt Blue Hue
WNC Dioxazine Violet
WNC Emerald
WNC Gamboge Hue
WNC Hooker s Green Dark
WNC Hooker s Green Light
WNC Indian Red
WNC Indigo
WNC Intense Pthalo Blue
WNC Intense Pthalo Green
WNC Ivory Black
WNC Lamp Black
WNC Lemon Yellow Hue
WNC Light Red
WNC Mauve
WNC Payne's Gray
WNC Permanent Rose
WNC Prussian Blue
WNC Purple Lake
WNC Raw Sienna
WNC Raw Umber
WNC Rose Madder Alizarin
WNC Sap Green
WNC Sepia
WNC Turquoise
WNC Ultramarine
WNC Van Dyke Brown
WNC Viridian Hue
WNC Yellow Ochre
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This watercolour is for beginners and accomplished artists alike. Expand your palette, layer colours over one another and explore the versatile medium of watercolour!

  • Excellent tinting strength
  • Vibrant colour
  • Economical
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